South East DSP - Digital Skills Survey


1. About you and your organisation
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We've produced this survey, on behalf of the Digital Skills Partnership in the South East, as an important part of the DSP's work to gather evidence, map activity and identify resulting digital skills gaps. Your response will help the SELEP DSP to understand the region's strengths, and those aforementioned gaps, and enable partners to focus on the needs of the local area. 

You're welcome to answer anonymously but, if your response highlights something that the Digital Skills Partnership feels it can help address, it will mean we're unable to get back in touch directly. In addition, at the end of this survey there is an opportunity to have yourself added to future regular DSP comms as well as to put yourself forward to be part of the formal partnership in the future.

Please answer to the best of your knowledge in all sections that are of relevance to you (as an employer in your own right, as well as an education provider, for example). The more information we can gather about the Digital Skills landscape across the region the more we can consider ways to support across the partnership.

Many thanks for taking the time to complete this survey, we really do appreciate it!

1. Your Name


2. The organisation you represent


3. What type of organisation do you represent? *


4. Where is your organisation based? *


5. The size of your organisation *


6. Sector *